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Spirit Detective / Plaindrifter
Samstag, 2 Juli, 2022 von 20:00 bis 22:30
Spirit Detective
Steven Hawkins wäre stolz auf sie: Spirit Detective beweist, dass Zeitreisen möglich sind! Die Band bringt die Vibes der frühen 70er Jahre zurück in die Gegenwart. Sie stehen authentisch für eine Mischung aus Heavy Psych, Stoner und 70s Hard Rock. So entsteht ein Hybrid aus der Musik der leeren Kohlehalden des Ruhrgebiets, ähnlich dem bekannten Wüstensounds aus LA und der Heavy- Kultur unserer Heimatregion, bekannt für seine Stahlindustrie.

Andi Schneider – Guitar, Vocals
Ralle Pfannkuch – Guitar
Lukas Speichert – Bass
Nico Iserloh – Drums, Percussion
Carbon Vibration EP – April 2019
Planet Delusion – September 2021
www.spirit-detective.com (soon!)
www.spiritdetectivemusic.bandcamp.com www.facebook.com/SpiritDetectiveOfficial

2017 Marcel (drums & vocals), Nils (guitar) and André (bass) decide to follow their love for heavy riffs and found PLAINDRIFTER as a passion project. Born and raised in the post-industrial west of Germany (Gelsenkirchen), they venture into uncharted, psychodelic territory, under the heavy influence of scene giants like Truckfighters, Kyuss or Elder.
The outlines of reality are blurred by their uncompromising songwriting and rearranged into vast, immersive landscapes waiting to be explored. Their debut in 2019 comes in form of a self-produced EP named „Discovery“. Psychodelic, atmospheric passages embeddet into a fuzzy scaffold of Stoner/Desert/Prog Rock, intertwined to form a dense organic opus.
In fall of 2021 their first LP „Echo Therapy“ will be released via Erdkern Records (DIY Label) on vinyl and tape.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt7bOOPLtQkiMWpb7Q3WEyA/featured
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